Episode 10: Canada's Biomanufacturing & Life Sciences Strategy: Looking Ahead & Reflecting on the Past 12 Months

On May 27, 2022, the Resilient Healthcare Coalition (RHC) hosted a virtual event entitled Canada's Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy: Looking Ahead & Reflecting on the Past 12 Months.

Leading up to the release of the Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy last summer, the RHC held a virtual roundtable in June 2021 to discuss how a new strategy could improve the health and wealth of Canadians from coast to coast, and promote more resilient healthcare systems overall.

One year later, the RHC bought together health system leaders from patient groups, life sciences associations, industry, and beyond, to reflect on the impacts of the strategy over the past 12 months and discuss what is still needed to strengthen the health and life sciences sector for the long-run.

This event featured speakers including Darryl Patterson, Director General, Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Branch, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), Kasondra White and Rodrigo Arancibia also from ISED, as well as Dr. Jason Field, President & CEO of Life Sciences Ontario and Eva Villalba, Executive Director of Coalition Priorité Cancer Au Québec.

Listen below or on SoundCloud.


Episode 11: The RWE Revolution: How Canadians Can Benefit from a New Era of Health Data


Episode 9: RHC Virtual Roundtable - Reinvigorating Cancer Care in Canada: The Power and Promise of Precision Medicine