Is Canada ready? Routine use of genome based testing in Canada's Major Regions. A State of Readiness Progress Report
Laboratory-based biomarkers that measure the expression, function and regulation of genes and gene products are being used to improve patient health outcomes through predicting who may benefit (or not be harmed) from therapy and helping clinical decisions through better prognosis and diagnosis of disease. These tests can also be used to monitor patients and can inform our current and future understanding of patient health, creating opportunities for scientific discovery.
This Progress Report describes what conditions are necessary for readiness, how major Canadian provinces are meeting these conditions, and what more needs to be done in coming years to ensure system readiness, sustainability and resiliency that ultimately benefits patients. The impact of readiness as well as a business case for change is also described.
Click below to see the Report:
State of Readiness Progress Report
State of Readiness Progress Report - Executive Summary (EN)
State of Readiness Progress Report - Executive Summary (FR)
Provincial Report Cards:
Foundational Peer-Reviewed Article: